Spirit and Truth Children’s Ministry is focused on partnering with parents to build a foundation of faith in children from birth through 6th grade.  We focus on teaching Biblical principles, prayer, listening to the Holy Spirit, using and developing the gifts God has given them, and creating relationships with each other and our families.  Because we believe that Scripture is clear that parents are the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children, our hope is to stand with parents in their pursuit of this mission, coming alongside them in the discipleship process.

We offer community outreach opportunities and family activities to provide an atmosphere of community fellowship. We love the Lord and want to provide a place that our children can foster their own love and relationship with Jesus.

Our children’s ministry offers classes for Birth-2Preschool (ages 3-5), and K-6th.  

Classes for Birth-2 are open from 15 minutes before our service begins.  Check-in takes place in their classroom.

Preschool through 6th grade students join with us in the Sanctuary, most weeks, at the beginning of service and are dismissed for their class after worship. During special events, like Easter,  we also open our classes at the beginning of the service.    

All children should be picked up within 15 minutes of service ending.